Submission Number: 45
Submission ID: 44
Submission UUID: 3c98fb78-5d01-489b-a7f7-beed51fb7bb4
Submission URI: /Script

Created: Tue, 11/19/2019 - 14:01
Completed: Tue, 11/19/2019 - 14:01
Changed: Thu, 01/30/2020 - 14:16

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Webform: Script
Submitted to: Script Upload


Test Neon Demo
Test Neon Demo
Script: "Test Neon Demo"
Variable: {test_set}: ""
Neon speak:
"Please select your test preference. You can choose from the following demos: 'personal' for profile setup"
"'language' for translation,"
"'clapper or clap',"
"'av or music',"
"'picture or record',"
"'alarm or timer',"
"'wakewords or wake words',"
"'dialog', or "
"'control' group tests."
Case: {test_set}
"neon my name is Joshua Test"
"neon my name is John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith"
"neon tell me my first name"
"neon tell me my last name"
"neon tell me my full name"
"neon my email address is"
"neon translate cherry to russian"
"neon tell me my language setting
"neon speak to me in english
"neon speak to me in Russian and French
"neon speak to me in english
Execute: "neon say hello world
Execute: "what is the time
Execute: "what is today's date
Execute: "what time is it in paris
Execute: "what is the weather in seattle
Execute: "neon spell microphone
Execute: "what is 25 times 71
Execute: "what is the derivative of x squared
Execute: "what is the share price for ibm
Execute: "tell me a joke
Execute: "tell me about linux
Execute: "send me the source for that
Execute: "where are you
Execute: "who are you
Execute: "my location is Seattle, WA
Execute: "what is my ip address
"clapper or clap"
Execute: "Set up clapper process
Execute: "Quit clapper process
Execute: "Deny clapper process by default
Execute: "Enable clapper process by default
"av or music"
Execute: "neon av play Relaxing jazz radio
Execute: "neon av play Sleepy blues piano radio
Execute: "pause
Execute: "resume
Execute: "stop
Execute: "avplay american folk guitar radio
Execute: "increase volume
Execute: "decrease volume
Execute: "mute volume
Execute: "unmute volume
Execute: "what is the volume
Execute: "neon play the latest news
"picture or record"
Execute: "take a picture
Execute: "show me my last picture
Execute: "take a 3-second video
Execute: "show me my last video
Execute: "neon record 3 seconds
Execute: "playback my last recording
Execute: "how much caffeine is in sprite
Execute: "how about j street coffee
Execute: "how much caffeine is in a cherry coke
Execute: "email me my transcripts
Execute: "neon update my brands
Execute: "i like google
Execute: "tell me coupons for microsoft
Execute: "i like neon
Execute: "tell me my likes
Execute: "i do not like alpha
Execute: "tell me my dislikes
Execute: "tell me my coupons
Execute: "email me my coupons
Execute: "neon talk to me in Russian
Execute: "what time is it in Moscow
Execute: "what is the weather in Moscow
Execute: "tell me about electricity
Execute: "what is 625 divided by 25
Execute: "tell me my likes
Execute: "how many inches are in a mile
Execute: "translate cherry to French
Execute: "how much caffeine is in pepsi
Execute: "talk to me in English
Execute: "change units/measuring system
Execute: "I want to clear my user brands
Execute: "I want to clear my user likes
Execute: "clear all of my user data
"alarm or timer"
Execute: "neon set an alarm for 6:30 pm
Execute: "neon remind me to go home at 7 pm
Execute: "neon set a 2 minute timer
Execute: "neon how much time is left
Execute: "neon clear all reminders
Execute: "cancel all alarms
Execute: "cancel all timers
"wakewords or wake words"
Execute: "require wakewords
Execute: "begin skipping wake words
Execute: "i am not alone
Execute: "neon i am alone
Execute: "switch to primary dialogue mode
Execute: "how are you?
Execute: "switch to random dialogue mode
Execute: "how are you?
Execute: "create a support ticket
Execute: "i want [you] to exit
Execute: " i want [you] to shutdown
Execute: "what is my current software version


