Submission Number: 102
Submission ID: 96
Submission UUID: 24b5bb36-bd0c-4c6f-9964-52775aef6a47
Submission URI: /Script

Created: Thu, 07/09/2020 - 18:25
Completed: Thu, 07/09/2020 - 18:25
Changed: Fri, 07/10/2020 - 13:44

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Test Pat
Richard Test Pat Patient Assistant Script
Script: "Test Pat"
Language: "en-us male"

# Set up wait time for patient responses
Variable: timeoutReturnLabel = AnnounceVersion
Timeout: 30 TIMEOUT

# Announce version ("Testing" is displayed as text and is not spoken)


Name Speak : Pat : "Neon Patient Assistant Application Demonstration Version 2020 07 09 18:22 again </speak> Testing"

Variable: True = 1
Variable: False = 0
Variable: exitList = "exit", "cancel", "never mind"
Variable: noList
Variable: yesList
Variable: alertsPhraseList
Variable: inProgressList
Variable: heyPatList
Variable: askPrompt
Variable: returnLabel
Variable: heardSilence
Variable: falseAlarmCount
Variable: askReturnValue = ""
Variable: userName
Variable: moreAppInfo
Variable: customizeSettings
Variable: customizeLanguage
Variable: customizeProsody
Variable: photoTime
Variable: enableNeonApps


# Initialize

# exitList = "exit", "cancel", "never mind"
noList = "no", "not now", "never mind", "nope", "n"
yesList = "yes", "yup", "y"

alertsPhraseList = "help", "I need help", "help me", "emergency", "this is an emergency", "i need a doctor", "i need a doctor", "i need a doctor", "i need a doctor", "i need a doctor", "i need a nurse", "i need aid", "i need a caregiver", "i need assistance", "i fell", "i can't get up", "fire"

inProgressList = "hey pat", "pat are you there", "is anybody listening", "what time is it", "Remind me to", "Play", "Email", "Record"

heyPatList = "hey pat", "pat are you there", "is anybody listening", "what time is it"

speechGenderList = "female", "male"
speechRateList = "medium", "fast", "slow"
speechAccentList = "American", "British" or "Australian"

askPrompt = ""
returnLabel = ""
heardSilence = ""
falseAlarmCount = 0
askReturnValue = ""
userName = ""
moreAppInfo = ""
customizeSettings = ""
customizeLanguage = ""
customProsody = "rate='medium'"
photoTime = ""
enableNeonApps = {True}

# Ask to install assistant


returnLabel = InstallAssistant
timeoutReturnLabel = PromptInstallAssistant
Name Speak : Pat : "Hi, I'm Pat. I'm a demonstration patient assistant from Neon AI. Thank you for helping test my conversational skills."
askPrompt = "Please tell me your name, or you can say cancel to exit."
Goto : ASK


userName = {askReturnValue}

Name Speak : Pat : "Hi {userName}. I am glad you chose to install the Neon Patient Assistant Application."

## Offer additional information


Name Speak : Pat : "Before starting the Patient Assistant, would you like more information on the Neon conversational patient assistance application?"
timeoutReturnLabel = ReAskMoreInfo
if {moreAppInfo} IN {noList[*]}:
Goto: PromptCustomize

Name Speak : Pat : "Hi {userName}. I'm Pat the demonstration conversational patient assistant from Neon AI. I am an artificial intelligence personal assistant, I'm augmented with Neon Gecko open source code and CPI Corp patented technology. Neon AI makes the Patient Assistant application to enable patients to alert their caregivers to emergencies and other needs, and to get simple information. As your automated patient assistant I listen for calls for help and send alerts to the patient care administrator. For example, you can say help, or I fell. Another thing you can say is what time is it .. </speak> In the future you will be able to play your favorite music, turn the lights on or off, and even ask to send a text message .. And if you don't want to call me Pat, someday you will be able to change my name."

# Customize


## Offer customization of settings for administrator, voice and system settings
## Set up PA voice: name, gender, accent, pitch, speed, [Later: language, diction, empathy]
## Set up system settings: timeoutSeconds (wait time for user input)
## Set up administrator (password, email, name, phone, [Later: staff names, secondary contacts] ..)
## Set up nurse (password, email, name, phone, [Later: staff names, secondary contacts] ..)

customLanguage = ""
enableNeonApps = {True}

Name Speak : Pat : "Would you like to customize the Patient Assistant settings to disable non-emergency Neon AI patient applications, or to change my voice?"
# Name Speak : Pat : "Would you like to customize the Patient Assistant settings for administrator, voice and PAT system settings?"

timeoutReturnLabel = PromptCustomize
if {customizeSettings} !IN {yesList[*]}:
Goto: BeginAssistant

Name Speak : Pat : "Hi {userName}. You can customize the voice for the Neon demonstration conversational patient assistant. You can say no change, or say female, male, normal, fast, slow, American, British or Australian. </speak> In the future you will be able to set up information for the administrator, staff members and the patient, and change my name and other PAT system settings."


# Name Speak : Pat : "Would you like to change the voice of the Neon conversational patient assistance application?"

timeoutReturnLabel = ReAskCustomize
if {customizeSettings} == "":
Goto: PromptCustomize
if {customizeSettings} CONTAINS "no change":
Goto: BeginAssistant
if {customizeSettings} IN {noList[*]}:
Goto: BeginAssistant

# Variable: britWords = british, gb, uk
if {customizeSettings} CONTAINS british, gb, uk:
customLanguage = "'en-GB'"
if {customizeSettings} CONTAINS "Australian, AU, aussie":
customLanguage = "en-AU"
customLanguage = "en-us"

if {customizeSettings} CONTAINS "female":
customLanguage = “{customLanguage} female"
customLanguage = “{customLanguage} male"

Language: {customLanguage}

if {customizeSettings} CONTAINS "fast":
customProsody = "rate='fast'"
if {customizeSettings} CONTAINS "slow":
customProsody = "rate='slow'"
customProsody = "rate='medium'"

# Later: Provide example of new Language/Prosody and offer reset

# Later: Make settings into a case statement and error check:
# split_words(wordList, customizeSettings)
# customSettingCount = length({wordList})
# wordListIndex = 0
# Case


Name Speak : Pat : "Would you like to enable more Neon patient assistance applications including playing music, playing games, reminders for medicine, hydration, meals and sleep, requests to record symptoms or other stats, and to request general information or assistance with math?"

timeoutReturnLabel = ReAskApps
if {customizeSettings} == "":
Goto: ReAskApps

if {customizeSettings} IN {noList[*]}:
enableNeonApps = {False}
Goto: BeginAssistant


timeoutReturnLabel = WaitForAlertPhrase
Name Speak : Pat : "<prosody {customProsody}> Your demonstration patient assistant has signed in. If you want to know if I am listening, you can say, hey Pat, or, Pat are you there. </prosody>"

# Wait for alert


askPrompt = ""
returnLabel = GotPatientPhrase
### Name Speak : Pat : "PA 1 pre ask"
Goto : ASK


## Did patient ask for "help"
if {askReturnValue} !IN {alertsPhraseList[*]}:
## Not an emergency alert, check for secondary (in progress)
if {enableNeonApps}:
## if {askReturnValue} CONTAINS {inProgressList[*]}:
if {askReturnValue} STARTSWITH {inProgressList[*]}:
Name Speak : Pat : "I'm sorry {userName} that is under construction."
## Not an alert, listen again
Goto: WaitForAlertPhrase

# Possible EMERGENCY

Name Speak : Pat : "Pat the Patient Assistant heard an emergency alert. I heard {askReturnValue}"
Reconvey : askReturnValue
Name Speak : Pat : "</speak>PA 6 did reconvey"


askPrompt = "Please say just kidding if this is not an emergency"
returnLabel = ConfirmHelp
Goto : ASK

## Did patient REALLY ask for "help"?
if {askReturnValue} == "":
Name Speak : Pat : "Pat the Patient Assistant heard nothing. I heard"
Reconvey : askReturnValue
Name Speak : Pat : "</speak>PA 8 did reconvey of nothing heard"

## PA heard nothing after emergency request .. if second time then this is an emergency
if {heardSilence} == {True} :
Goto: Emergency
heardSilence = {True}
## Increase volume and speak slowly
Name Speak : Pat : "<prosody volume='+100%' rate='slow'>{userName}! I need to hear from you! Is this an emergency?</prosody>"
Goto: PromptConfirmHelp
if {askReturnValue} CONTAINS "just kidding", "never mind","not an emergency":
Name Speak : Pat : "Pat the Patient Assistant heard you say this is not an emergency. I heard"
Reconvey : askReturnValue
### Name Speak : Pat : "</speak>Did reconvey of jk"

## Patient said jk so restart listening
Name Speak : Pat : "Please say help again if this is an emergency."
Python: falseAlarmCount = {falseAlarmCount} + 1
Goto: WaitForAlertPhrase



Name Speak : Pat : "<prosody volume='+100%' rate='normal'>{userName}! Needs! Help! This is an EMERGENCY</prosody>"

Name Speak : Pat : "Pat the Patient Assistant would now send an emergency alert, sound an alarm, keep engaged with the patient, and send updated alerts to the caregiver."

Name Speak : Pat : "Pat test completed. Say start again to start again?"
if {askReturnValue} == "start again":
Name Speak : Pat : "</speak>Pat is restarting. Thanks again."
Goto: StartUp

Name Speak : Pat : "Pat exiting. Thanks again for helping test my skills."

# ========== Subroutines

# The ASK subroutine speaks the askPrompt and waits for a response. If the response is a command to Pat to perform an action, then the request is effected and Pat continues waiting for a response, otherwise, the response is returned to the caller in the askReturnValue.
# Input parameters: askPrompt, returnLabel and timeOutReturnLabel
# Result parameter: askReturnValue

### Name Speak : Pat : "Ask 1 Starting"
if {askPrompt}:
Name Speak : Pat : " {askPrompt} "
### Name Speak : Pat : "Ask 2 Starting ask subroutine"
voice_input {askReturnValue}
### Name Speak : Pat : "Ask 3 got input"
if {askReturnValue} IN {exitList[*]}:
Name Speak : Pat : "Say yes to confirm exiting Pat, the Neon AI Patient Assistant"
if {askReturnValue} IN {yesList[*]}:
Name Speak : Pat : "Pat, the Neon AI Patient Assistant, signing off"
goto: ASK
### Name Speak : Pat : "Ask 4 not cancel command {askReturnValue}"
if {askReturnValue} IN {heyPatList[*]}:
Name Speak : Pat : "<prosody {customProsody}> {userName}, Pat the AI Patient Assistant demo here. I'm listening all the time but I don't <phoneme alphabet=”x-sampa” ph=”rikord”>record</phoneme> everything you say. I only make recordings of calls for help or in an emergency. </prosody>"
# Note - Disambiguation for the pronunciations of "record": <phoneme alphabet=”x-sampa” ph=”rikord”>record</phoneme> Verb as in “I record everything you say” vs. Noun as in "Make a record of the conversation".
Name Speak : Pat : "The time is"
Execute : "Neon what time is it"
if {falseAlarmCount} != 0:
Name Speak : Pat : "The false alarm count is {falseAlarmCount}!"
goto : ASK
### Name Speak : Pat : "Ask 5 About to return to {returnLabel}"
Goto: {returnLabel}

Goto: {timeoutReturnLabel}

